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What Happens if a Message Is Sent When the Bivy Stick Is Turned Off?
If someone sends you a message when your Bivy Stick is turned off, the message will sit on the servers at Iridium for 5 days. If your device is turned on within those 5 days, the message will be delivered to your Bivy Stick when it is turned on. If ...
How Do Credits Work?
Each credit is one action on the Bivy Stick. If you go over your monthly credit limit, even way off-the-grid, you can still use your Bivy Stick. You will simply be charged an overage charge for each additional credit used. 1 Credit Each 1 message ...
Charging Your Bivy Stick
The Bivy Stick charges using a USB-C cable and can be charged via any USB charge port. Use the supplied USB-C to USB-A cable or any other USB-C cable. The power indicator light will flash while charging. Once the Bivy Stick is fully charged, the ...
How to Setup a Check-in Message
A Check-in message is a preset message you can send automatically by pressing the Check-in (check mark) button on the Bivy Stick, or by tapping the "Send Check-In" button in the app . It will contain your text and a link to a private URL page showing ...
Activating and Deactivating Bivy Sticks in the Portal
Activating To activate a Bivy Stick it needs to be added to your portal https://support.bivy.com/portal/en/kb/articles/adding-bivy-sticks-to-your-portal-21-2-2024. Once it's been added follow these steps: 1. Make sure you're on the Customers Tab from ...